Advertise Your Salon Effectively Online | Pro Hair Labs

How To Advertise Your Salon Effectively Online

How To Advertise Your Salon Effectively Online


Beauty and health have come to acquire a modernised version, so instead of being defined by the traditional beauty parlours and salons, they have been transformed into skin rejuvenation centres and spas. These names are in vogue now. So if the names have changed, there is no point in following the same method of business. The tech savvy world has outdone the days of newspapers and pamphlets. People are now choosing social media and web 2.0 portals as the channels to effectively advertise their business. So all you need is an account on your chosen social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest…etc) and watch your business soar.

Here are a few steps to how you can advertise your salon effectively online and increase your business.

Start with the Contents.

Blog, Blog, Blog!! Write about your salon or spa, write about topics that pertain to your industry. Write about what your potential customers want to know about!  Check what you write and how you write it. Your content should qualitatively impress the reader. You don’t need to tell stories but share your professional experience. Include all the details of your salon and when it was established, what facilities does it provide, the staff, a detailed description of your salon. If your salon has a spa then give an overview on how spas work to provide an edge to your customers’ knowledge. You can also spread awareness about the benefits of spa treatments and be charitable enough to share such knowledge for free. So descriptions blended with some much needed info about the industry usually takes the cake. Be certain that they will join you if they find you worthy.

Create Content Rich Blogs.

The truth of the matter is, if you are not writing great content, no one will want to read it. Consumers are flooded with hundreds of blog articles on a daily basis through their social media accounts. One way to differentiate yourself from your competitors is by creating interesting, content rich information about your salon or chosen title. If you don’t know by now, blogging is the arguably the most effective way of forming a bond with your followers and your potential customers. Blogging ensures sharing and communication which is very important for any type of business venture. Blogs also show the kind of person you are in private as well as professional capacities. When people comment on your articles consider yourself the benefiter. Consistency is key when it comes effectively managing any blog. Your readers will know to expect content from you, and when you provide this quality content, you are gaining trust.

Whether you have a separate website or blogging as an individual on behalf of your company, blogging is great way to get a promising business head start by advertising your salon to a larger audience.

To ensure your salon blog reaches its full potential, having the right website hosting is essential. If you’re using a platform like WordPress, reliable hosting will provide the speed, security, and uptime you need to keep your site running smoothly. A good WordPress hosting provider ensures that your blog loads quickly, which is crucial for keeping visitors engaged and improving your search engine rankings.

If you follow the rules outlined below, you will ensure that your business generates interest, traffic and followers. I could sit here all day and talk about the key points of blogging but to keep it simple and effective, check out the main points below:

  • Simple words always win: Fancy vocabulary will sometimes confuse the reader because it will make the article hard to understand. A general rule would be that if a 5th grader cannot read it, you should try to rewrite it!
  • How to posts are always interesting: People love posts that can teach them something new that they are interested in. Readers also love posts that pertain to something they have currently searched for.
  • Always back up your statements: If you tend not to use statistics to back up your statements, you will lose the trust of readers. This is VERY important!
  • Write detailed posts: Putting aside the SEO benefits of writing detailed posts, this approach will ensure you are giving your readers the information they need without having to go somewhere else to get it. If you want to assert your personal brand as an authority within your industry, provide them with the information they need to trust that you are giving them exactly what they need.
  • Care about your readers. They matter! : To me, the most important aspect of blogging is to care about your readers. Blogging for the sake of blogging will be immediately evident. In my opinion, this is not good.  Care about what you are saying and aim to help your readers and your industry by contributing something of substance. Ensure you always respond to your readers comments and emails.

To maximize the impact of your advertising efforts, integrating a robust SEO audit and strategy is essential. By regularly assessing your SEO performance, you can identify areas for improvement and tailor your advertising content to align with search engine algorithms. This alignment helps your ads reach the right audience, improving their visibility and effectiveness. Implementing a well-thought-out SEO strategy ensures that your advertisements not only attract attention but also drive meaningful engagement, ultimately supporting your business goals and enhancing your overall marketing success.

In addition to a solid SEO strategy, optimizing your website for both user experience and search engine performance is crucial. This involves refining site speed, improving mobile responsiveness, and ensuring a seamless navigation experience. For comprehensive improvements, consider leveraging the premier services LetsGetOptimized. Their expertise can help you implement advanced optimization techniques tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that your website performs at its best.

Twitter Trend

Twitter is the best and first choice for many promising business ventures. Twitter allows promoting links and making important announcements regarding your business without sounding like a sales call. Plus you can easily create trends with a simple hash tag thereby reaching out to a wider public. So advertising your business on twitter is one of the most effective and innovative ways to promote business. By leveraging Twitter’s platform, businesses can effectively generate valuable backlinks that enhance their SEO efforts. Additionally, professional services can further streamline your link-building strategy. SERPninja agency specializes in optimizing and analyzing your link-building efforts, helping you to track your progress and identify opportunities for growth. Embrace the potential of link building to drive your business forward and stay ahead in a competitive market.

The Force of Facebook 

Facebook is another renowned social media portal where your business will get advertised to thousands of people. All you have to do is create a community or page on Facebook about your business and watch your business soar. Sounds easy right? Well, not so fast. Facebook’s organic reach has been declining rapidly over the last year. Many say that this is because Facebook are interested in their bottom line and forcing business to advertise with them. I say, there are two sides to this story. Going back to quality content and the importance of it, Facebook are now ensuring that the content which is shown in your “fans” timelines are informative, quality driven articles which contribute to the stature of the platform. Regardless of how many “fans” your Facebook business page has, never expect it to organically reach any more than 4% of your fan base unless your fans are interacting with the article. This interaction can stem from liking the post, to commenting on the post all the way down to sharing the post.

Facebook having stated an average of 16% organic reach on posts, but I firmly disagree with this statement. I will also back this up by example. I ran an experiment with a previous blog post. As you can see below, this blog post was only visible to 14 people. That’s only a 1.4% organic reach from 1 like! 

Facebook Organic Reach Experiment | Pro Hair Labs


Facebook is arguably the best social media site where interaction takes place. Your salon is sure to receive interest from many potential customers. Also you have the option of fusing your social media accounts together in one piece of software to keep updating them at the same time. I always advise against this and to post your blogs on your social media profiles separately, rather than using software such as Hootsuite to post on all of your profiles at the same time. While Hootsuite and other various social software has its pros, it also has it’s cons. You want to ensure your Featured Images and Meta Descriptions are always visible to entice your readers to click through to your post. 

Widen your Horizon

Don’t just stick to your sphere but get outside the box. Check out your local online directories, comment and share your tips with them so your name can appear on commonly used sites. You can also mention your Facebook or Twitter urls on their sites to allow more people to view your business page on these social media sites. The more you share the more people in the community will get to know about your business and identify with you.

Generate feedback from local brand ambassadors

You don’t have to get hot shot celebrities and shell out a million to advertise your business. You can just engage local people who may have used your products or services to comment. This will ensure promotion of your salon because consumers want a real, homely response rather than a made up one. You can also post videos of people commenting on your salon on social media to advertise your salon effectively. Video within your posts can increase your CTA (Call To Action) by as much as 68%. That is a HUGE statistic and not one to be ignored.

Maintain a healthy level of transparency.

It is very important to leverage your flaws. Don’t hide the flaws or drawbacks of your business while you are advertising on web platform. Remember that only your consumers can identify your flaws. If you learn to accept them you can definitely find ways to correct them, thus making your salon the most top notch salon in the town. Once you figure out what aspects your customers are negatively commenting upon you can figure out your sore spots and fix them. It is very important to be completely confident about your professional position because you will get criticism and they will form the backbone of your business.

Put Up Signs.

Signs are a great marketing tool. You can put up a sign on social media like a banner for your salon that advertises you salon name and contact information. The sign system can also be used to announce special promotions and deals that you are giving at your salon. You can also add some information about your salon on the social media banner, for instance how long have you been in business, what are the objectives of your salon etc. This is a very effective way to advertise your salon on social media.

Utilize SMS and Email marketing.

In this fast emerging technologically savvy world, everyone has email and everyone checks his or her emails at least once a day. So an effective way to advertise your salon on web platforms is to utilize this service for your benefit. Let people know of special promotions or if you are holding a sale on your salon products, all through emails. SMS marketing is another effective way to advertise your salon on social media. You can send text coupons to your customers via SMS so that they can see it every time they open their phone. Both these marketing strategies should have minimal content, so use only eye catching words and phrases with the minimal use of big and complicated sentences. The trick is to be short and precise.

What is outlined above is only touching on some of the methods which can be used to advertise your business on the Web using 2.0 technologies. If you’re not embracing these technologies, your business will find it hard to stand out. My advise is to find a harmonious balance between tradition marketing and digital marketing and you will see the benefits of running a successful business!


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